Top 10 Required Event Registration Questions

An event registration form is one of the most important tools in your event planning toolkit. It not only helps you keep track of who is attending your event, but it also allows you to collect valuable data that can help you improve your event planning process. But what kind of questions should you include on your event registration form? In addition to asking for basic contact information, here are 10 additional questions to get you started.

1. Food allergies and dietary restrictions

As a safety measure, it is always a good idea to list any allergies or dietary requests on the registration form. This way, the organizers will be able to make sure that there is food available that meets your needs. For allergies, it is important to list all of the ingredients that you are allergic to, as well as any foods that may contain those ingredients. For example, if you are allergic to peanuts, you should list peanuts, peanut oil, and any foods that may contain traces of peanuts. For dietary requests, it is helpful to list any specific foods that you cannot or do not eat, as well as any general preferences (such as vegetarian, kosher, halal). This way, the organizers can make sure that there is a variety of food available that meets your needs.

2. Housing Accommodation Requests

When housing accommodation information is collected on the registration form for an event, it allows event planners to effectively plan for the number of attendees that will need accommodations. This also allows for a more efficient use of resources, as housing can be reserved in advance instead of having to scramble at the last minute. Additionally, housing information on the registration form can help to promote inclusion and diversity at events, as attendees from different backgrounds can be matched with housing that meets their needs. Ultimately, collecting housing information on the registration form is a best practice for event planners, as it helps to ensure a smooth and successful event.

3. Travel Accommodation Requests

Travel accommodation can be a very important aspect of any event. It can often be the difference between a successful event and one that is not well-attended. For this reason, many events will list travel accommodation options on their registration forms. This allows attendees to have all of the information they need in one place, making it easy for them to book their travel and accommodation in advance. It also gives the event organizers a better idea of how many people will be attending, and what their travel arrangements are. Including travel accommodations on your event registration form is a great way to make sure your attendees are able to easily make all of the arrangements they need in order to attend your event.

4. Emergency Contact Details

Emergency contact information on the event registration form provides emergency services with a point of contact for the event participants. This emergency contact can be used to get in touch with a family member or friend in case of an emergency, and can also be used to relay information about the event or emergency situation. Emergency contact on the event registration forms is an important part of ensuring the safety of all participants and should be included on all forms.

5. Social Media Profiles

You may have noticed that more and more event registration forms are asking for your social media profile information. There are a few reasons for this trend. First, social media can be a great way to promote an event and get the word out to a wider audience. By including social media information on the registration form, event organizers can more easily connect with potential attendees and promote the event. Additionally, social media can be used to help create a more personal connection with attendees. For example, if you know someone’s social media handle, you can reach out to them directly and invite them to the event. Finally, social media profiles can provide valuable data that can help event organizers better understand their target audience and plan future events. So the next time you’re filling out an event registration form, don’t be surprised if it asks for your social media information.

6. Event Swag

Event swag is a great way to promote your event and get people excited about attending. By offering event swag on the event registration form, you can give attendees the opportunity to receive branded items that they can use at the event. This can include items such as t-shirts, water bottles, or even coffee mugs. Event swag is a great way to show event attendees that you are planning a great event and that you are committed to making it a success. In addition, event swag can also be a great way to thank attendees for their registration and participation. By offering event swag, you can make sure that your event is one that attendees will remember long after it is over.

7. Data Privacy and Protection

When you collect data from individuals through an event registration form, you have a responsibility to ensure that their data is private and protected. This is especially important if you are collecting data from individuals in the European Union, as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that data be collected and processed in a transparent, secure manner. One way to protect data is to include an opt-in option for individuals to agree to have their data collected and processed. You should also provide an opt-out option for individuals who do not want their data collected. Finally, you should take steps to secure the data that you collect, such as encrypting it and storing it in a secure location. By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that data privacy and protection are maintained.

8. Waivers

Waivers on an event registration form are legal documents that protect both the organizer and the participants of an event from liability. In most cases, waivers will state that the participant understands the risks involved in the event and agrees to hold the organizer harmless in case of injury. waivers can also be used to release the organizer from liability in case of property damage or other losses. While waivers are not required for all events, they are often used for activities that carry a higher risk of injuries, such as sports or extreme adventure activities. For events that do not require a waiver, it is still a good idea to include a liability release on the registration form. This will help to protect you in case of any accidents or damages that occur during the event.

9. How did you hear about the event?

A survey question that is often included on event registration forms is “How did you hear about this event?” This question can be helpful in understanding what marketing channels are most effective for promoting an event. It can also help to identify potential new audiences. For example, if a significant number of people say they heard about the event through social media, then the event organizers may want to consider increasing their use of social media platforms. The question can also be useful for tracking trends over time. For instance, if the number of people who say they heard about the event through word-of-mouth decreases year after year, it could indicate that the event is not generating as much excitement as it once did. Asking survey questions on event registration forms can therefore provide valuable insights into how to market an event more effectively.

10. Accommodation Requests

The accommodation request is a critical question to ensure the comfort and success of all of your attendees at the conference. It is important to communicate these requests to the venue and be certain they are in compliance. Below is a list of items you may be asked:

  • A sign language interpreter
  • Communication Access in Real-Time (CART) services
  • Wheelchair access
  • Accommodation for a service animal
  • Closed-captioned videos
  • Accommodation for an assistant or companion
  • Accessible reserved seating
  • Session materials in a different format (like Braille)

As you can see, there are a variety of important questions that you should include on your event registration form. By collecting this data, you’ll be able to more effectively plan and organize future events. And, some tools will allow you to automate the process of sending follow-up emails and collecting payments. So what are you waiting for? Start collecting data today!

Interested in learning more about how to make your event registration process serve your registrants and prepare your event for success?  Book a demo with EVA today to learn how we are helping organizations take their event registration process to the next level!

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